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Estelle Decléènne
Iconographer and head of the photo service of the Guides Figaro Daily newspaper for ten years, I chose to leave the press to travel around Europe in search of places that were once suffering (prisons, psychiatric asylums, industrials sites ...), mostly under the blind spot of history, in order to form an obscura inventory, an anti archive of History.
I follow the formula of the German plastic artist Anselm Kieffer who says: "Without memory there is no identity." Getting out of silence through photography, exhuming the past, bringing it to light with respect, humanity and poetry.
Exhibition at the “Voies Off” Arles 2019 Series "Other lives than ours". Hemeria editions
Member of the French Union of Professional Photographers
Anti archive
By coming to reopen the memory drawers of these places through the photographic medium, I capture this tenuous moment in which the past still subsists, just before any structural evidence is forever gone.
These places suffer the double irony of physical and moral abandonment. It is therefore a tribute to those who have passed, to the wandering souls that I meet there.
To sublimate abandonment by making it poetic is to do justice to the human being, to give it back its place and its identity.
Restoring identity comes down to appeasing and converting shadow into light. This is the challenge of photographing absence while transmitting the power of the living.
To put humanism back in a lifeless place.
The power of photography allows precisely the “visitable” materialization of our own vanity, of our human imprint.
Through my podcasts entitled “MEMORY CARD”, I take you to discover unusual, abandoned places that hide fantastic stories behind their decrepit walls that I invite you to listen to through my eyes. In the space of five minutes you will be transported in the memory of time, of our humanity and will understand both my duty to remember and my narrative quest around the photographic prism.

00:00 / 04:56
00:00 / 06:02
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